The novel Silent Invaders is a powerful story revolving around Lahiri family and a few murders in the city of Durham, a picturesque county in the Northeast of England. It is written by Ms. Shree and published by Amazon Kindle available in Kindle and Paperback both.
Theme : The theme of the novel is MPD created by sexual and mental atrocities inflicted on children and the plot is beautifully woven by the writer.
Story: This is the story of a girl Sana who's adopted by Sahana and Saatwik Lahiri based at Durham. Suddenly a few murders take place in quick succession and police arrests Sana as her fingerprints matches with the fingerprints of the killer - supposed to be a serial killer. And the happy family goes to smithereens and their life turns upside down with their dear daughter's arrest for the culpable homicide of four people - Nathan Brown, Mike Smith, Daniel Neils and Roberto.
What happens afterwards and whether there's some connection among all these murders and whether Sana is a killer or someone else and whether Lahiris will succeed in saving their daughter Sana - read the compelling novel Silent Invaders.
Merits: The strength of the novel is its language which is quite fluidic and the style unique. The novel, in fact a novella, is tightly scripted and whole story told in a succinct but appropriate manner with all the details pertaining to unfolding of the mystery maintaining the thrill; the necessary ingredient.
Demerits: It could have been presented in a more realistic manner heightening the intrigue, curiosity and the thrill content had the author adopted the actual judicial procedures. Taking the polygraph test and consulting the psychiatrists on their own by the Lahiris and their solicitor without getting the permission of the judge seems procedural lapses. Though it has no adverse bearing on the whole story.
The other is the chapters dealing with the adoption process. They could have been trimmed as they're hardly related to the whole saga of serial killings except that Sana was an adopted child.
My Take : Author Shree has done a wonderful job by writing this novel which is an eyeopener for the society telling the dangerous effects of child abuse and how it can ruin the whole persona of a child and how far it can be harmful to the society at large. Congratulations to her. A must read.
Rating: Overall rating 4/5
Rajeev Pundir
04 Jan 2018
The novel Silent Invaders is a powerful story revolving around Lahiri family and a few murders in the city of Durham, a picturesque county in the Northeast of England. It is written by Ms. Shree and published by Amazon Kindle available in Kindle and Paperback both.
Theme : The theme of the novel is MPD created by sexual and mental atrocities inflicted on children and the plot is beautifully woven by the writer.
Story: This is the story of a girl Sana who's adopted by Sahana and Saatwik Lahiri based at Durham. Suddenly a few murders take place in quick succession and police arrests Sana as her fingerprints matches with the fingerprints of the killer - supposed to be a serial killer. And the happy family goes to smithereens and their life turns upside down with their dear daughter's arrest for the culpable homicide of four people - Nathan Brown, Mike Smith, Daniel Neils and Roberto.
What happens afterwards and whether there's some connection among all these murders and whether Sana is a killer or someone else and whether Lahiris will succeed in saving their daughter Sana - read the compelling novel Silent Invaders.
Merits: The strength of the novel is its language which is quite fluidic and the style unique. The novel, in fact a novella, is tightly scripted and whole story told in a succinct but appropriate manner with all the details pertaining to unfolding of the mystery maintaining the thrill; the necessary ingredient.
Demerits: It could have been presented in a more realistic manner heightening the intrigue, curiosity and the thrill content had the author adopted the actual judicial procedures. Taking the polygraph test and consulting the psychiatrists on their own by the Lahiris and their solicitor without getting the permission of the judge seems procedural lapses. Though it has no adverse bearing on the whole story.
The other is the chapters dealing with the adoption process. They could have been trimmed as they're hardly related to the whole saga of serial killings except that Sana was an adopted child.
My Take : Author Shree has done a wonderful job by writing this novel which is an eyeopener for the society telling the dangerous effects of child abuse and how it can ruin the whole persona of a child and how far it can be harmful to the society at large. Congratulations to her. A must read.
Rating: Overall rating 4/5
Rajeev Pundir
04 Jan 2018
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