This is a collection of four stories written by Mahesh Sowani. The format of the book is Kindle and it's available on for Rs. 49/- only. Stories have been selected from incidents happening around us in daily life and narrated in an interesting manner.
The Stories:
The very first story, Incomplete Lives, revolves around the life of a boy Kunal who's depressed because of his impending divorce with his wife. Despite it he's a bit upset with the hussle bussle of his official work also. His friend, Bhavna, who had been one year senior to him in college, now working abroad comes to meet him. What transpires between them and how she takes him out of that situation is the gist of the story and one must read such stories to know the importance of trivial things in our lives. Bhavna says to him, "We are not Gods, neither are all things in our control." Again she says,"Life is like a river....ever changing..." Beautiful!
The second story, Two Women, takes you to the lives of a labour class man Vishnu, his wife Meena and his paramour Lakshmi. The writer has very smoothly sailed through the intricacies of this triangular relationship. The story takes a sudden turn when Vishnu dies due to heavy drinking leaving the deed of a plot he bought for Lakshmi. Meena too stakes her claim over the plot. How the tussle between them is solved, just read the story. the climax is surprising - not easy to believe.
The third story, The Only Alternative, too is taken directly from lower class family. I found this story very different, very intense and baring the ugly games people play ignoring and even disrespecting the dignity of mutual relations that they can go to any extent to fulfill their sex drive. This shows the other side of the coin called society. A must read.
The last story entitled as Some Stories takes you to the lives of retired persons who pass their time by forming a senior citizens club comprising men and women both. They communicate and share jokes with each other. Apart from it they want to make their club a different one. One of them Lily suggests about telling stories which everyone has deep in their hearts buried since years. And the drama begins...and a few interesting and intriguing stories tumble out from their personal diaries. A unique story indeed!
My Take :
In my view, Mahesh Sowani has successfully carved out beautiful stories out of day-to-day life. The stories are inspiring, and the characters are having love, hope, sympathy, mutual respect and concerned for each other. The language is simple, smooth like a fluid and easily graspable for one and all. The subject matter of the stories is also relatable for all age groups, genders and classes.
There're areas of improvement which demand attention. The first one is the manuscript needs re-editing as there're a few typos and grammatical errors. It can be done easily as this is Kindle edition and can be replaced instantly. The other is its title. Of course these four stories depict love, hope and desire, the book needs a compelling title.
I see a big potential in the writer and expect more books from his desk and congratulate him for penning these wonderful stories.
All the best!!
Rajeev Pundir
This is a collection of four stories written by Mahesh Sowani. The format of the book is Kindle and it's available on for Rs. 49/- only. Stories have been selected from incidents happening around us in daily life and narrated in an interesting manner.
The Stories:
The very first story, Incomplete Lives, revolves around the life of a boy Kunal who's depressed because of his impending divorce with his wife. Despite it he's a bit upset with the hussle bussle of his official work also. His friend, Bhavna, who had been one year senior to him in college, now working abroad comes to meet him. What transpires between them and how she takes him out of that situation is the gist of the story and one must read such stories to know the importance of trivial things in our lives. Bhavna says to him, "We are not Gods, neither are all things in our control." Again she says,"Life is like a river....ever changing..." Beautiful!
The second story, Two Women, takes you to the lives of a labour class man Vishnu, his wife Meena and his paramour Lakshmi. The writer has very smoothly sailed through the intricacies of this triangular relationship. The story takes a sudden turn when Vishnu dies due to heavy drinking leaving the deed of a plot he bought for Lakshmi. Meena too stakes her claim over the plot. How the tussle between them is solved, just read the story. the climax is surprising - not easy to believe.
The third story, The Only Alternative, too is taken directly from lower class family. I found this story very different, very intense and baring the ugly games people play ignoring and even disrespecting the dignity of mutual relations that they can go to any extent to fulfill their sex drive. This shows the other side of the coin called society. A must read.
The last story entitled as Some Stories takes you to the lives of retired persons who pass their time by forming a senior citizens club comprising men and women both. They communicate and share jokes with each other. Apart from it they want to make their club a different one. One of them Lily suggests about telling stories which everyone has deep in their hearts buried since years. And the drama begins...and a few interesting and intriguing stories tumble out from their personal diaries. A unique story indeed!
My Take :
In my view, Mahesh Sowani has successfully carved out beautiful stories out of day-to-day life. The stories are inspiring, and the characters are having love, hope, sympathy, mutual respect and concerned for each other. The language is simple, smooth like a fluid and easily graspable for one and all. The subject matter of the stories is also relatable for all age groups, genders and classes.
There're areas of improvement which demand attention. The first one is the manuscript needs re-editing as there're a few typos and grammatical errors. It can be done easily as this is Kindle edition and can be replaced instantly. The other is its title. Of course these four stories depict love, hope and desire, the book needs a compelling title.
I see a big potential in the writer and expect more books from his desk and congratulate him for penning these wonderful stories.
All the best!!
Rajeev Pundir