Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Review : LET THE GAME BEGIN By Sandip Sharma

The Story:

This story dates back four thousand years ago when two kingdoms Chaturang and Sarprakt, separated by a big mountain, fought with each other relentlessly. To win over the Sarprakt, King Viratha urges a mystique man to hatch a foolproof conspiracy. Consequently, a deadly game, the game of Chess was invented.
Then the focus of the story shifts to present time when something strange starts to happen—a series of murders where the killer leaves the evidence by planting a piece from amongst the characters constituting the game Chess as a challenge to catch him. Everybody gets baffled and suddenly a professor Dinesh Gandhi is kidnapped by a group of people and taken to some unknown destination.
To know more, read the novel Let The Game Begin by Sandip Sharma, published by Inspire India.

Pros: Historical fiction has always been a challenge to the writers due to involvement of long painstaking research. Sandip took the challenge and woven a complicated story mainly keeping in view of the origin of the game played world over called Chess. And to some extent he’s become successful, though partially.

Cons: To write a book is far more difficult than giving a review. But, there’s no other way out to improve mutually. And, it’ll be a disservice if we don’t apprise our take to the author. As far as its cons are concerned, they are many. First, the challenge of writing a historical fiction took its toll on the writing prowess of the writer. Second, the introduction of too many characters and too many subplots have made the story very complex—beyond the comprehension of a normal reader keeping him confused all the time. This has occurred mainly due to the story which swings from ancient era to present era, not only page by page but sometimes paragraph to paragraph. In one paragraph, the writer tries to make the reader intrigued by arising enough curiosity, and suddenly the focus shifts from it to some other happening in the next one, snapping the concentration of the reader then and there. Third, introduction of too many subplots based on history, mythology, forensic science, genetics and the tactics of Chess etc. has made the plot of the story a very complicated one. Fourth, half of the book has been italicized which produces a distraction due to cumbersome reading.
And the last—had the editor took her work seriously and advised the writer not to adopt non-sequential style and not to italicize half of the book, the impact of the book would have been different.

I would have suggested Sandip Sharma to come in two parts of this book; one dealing the ancient and the next dealing with the present as a sequel.
However, writing is not easy and I wish all the best for Sandip for his forthcoming books.

Rajeev Pundir

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Review of Kanishka by Manoj Krishnan

History has always been a cumbersome subject for me. So has the historical fiction – to read and to write as well. Manoj hand me over this book to read and to review it as well – again a difficult task for me. But when I started this book I found it quite interesting right from the beginning.

The Story: Dr Rao of Indian Archeological council sends two of his subordinates; Nilesh and Sushmita  to get the stock of excavation work left incomplete by him at Mathura. When they start exploring the site, they open the abandoned office of Dr Rao at Mathura and stumble upon finding a roll of old parchment under the table. Written in some ancient language, they request Sushmita’s husband, an expert in decoding ancient languages. And a whole lot of a story of ancient kingdom Kanishka unfolds before them intriguing one and all.

The Plot: Mathura is the subsidiary of King Kanishka of Gandhar. It has a big treasure and a very rich state. Himavat is its chief administrator whereas Viryavaan is the army-chief. Driven by greed and self interest of becoming the king of Mathura, he tries to impress the king Kanishka by some nefarious designs. What happens in this backdrop, read the novel Kanishka written by Manoj Krishnan.

Merits: The best part of this novel is its story which keeps the reader hooked till last. I’m really impressed by the lucid language rich in vocabulary and metaphors and his unique style of storytelling.

Quote I liked: “Tears have their own limits. They come out heavily when the grief is unbearable but slowly as our mind starts to accept the presence of reality, they stop pouring. Dry eyes, though in deep pain, indicate that the person is accepting the reality willingly or unwillingly.” Page 82.

Demerits: Actually, to call a certain flaws as demerits will not be right. Instead, I would like to call them areas where a scope of improvement is there. Manoj, as a debut writer, has attempted quite well in bringing out this book. However, certain areas need attention to be addressed:
1.     Though the chapters are short and keeps the reader engaged, the book has been narrated in a way that it keeps the reader guessing all the time about the incidents happened in the previous chapters, which creates disinterest while going ahead. In my view a novel written in a perfect sequence explaining the subplots is far better than leaving the readers to guess everything themselves. People in writing world say, “The reader is not the reader of the writer’s mind. Hence, feels uncomfortable when they have to put stress in guessing.” Readers almost like to be spoon-fed. Even creating too much intrigue may backfire.
2.     Less the number of characters, more the book is easy to understand. In this book, introduction of the names of even fringe characters makes it a bit confusing. It could have been avoided.
3.     It’s a hallmark of writing that even a sentence must contribute something in taking the story further. Certain chapters which are not related to the story could have been trimmed to make the book a bit short and crispy, thus bringing down the price of the book also.
4.     The author has used italics in frequent manner which has made the reading quite stressful. I would advise to do away with that much italic in the next edition.
5.     The subplot of supernatural curse doesn’t justify the end as it has not even the slightest indication in whole book barring the last few pages. Such kind of inclusion seems artifactual and unconvincing.
The Cover: The cover of the book is too simple for such a complicated historical fiction. Certainly, it needs to get redesigned keeping in view of the theme.
The Price: A tad on higher side. May be reduced by one hundred at least to make it a good buy.
My verdict:
A complicated story told in an interesting manner. People who like to read historical fiction will find this book a compelling read. I congratulate Manoj Krishnan for scribbling such a book for them. Looking forward for more from his desk.
Ratings : 3.5/5

Rajeev Pundir

Review : The Resurrection Of Evil By Neelabh Pratap Singh

A novel with a difficult subject - as difficult as solving a thousands of years' mystery needs a painstaking research and courage to write down which Neelabh Pratap Singh accepted and came out with flying colors since the subject is dry, not everyone's cup of tea and hard to fathom pertaining to the complexities involving the story.

The Plot: The story starts with the sudden theft of a pot, a cauldron of historical importance, from the national museum at New Delhi. ACP Aryan is given this case which he finds simply uninteresting in the first place but comes to know the gravity of the case very soon when he comes to know the dangerous game being played by a number of claimants to capture it. A game of cat and mouse chase starts and Aryan becomes successful in getting and restoring the cauldron to the govt. passing through a maze of thrilling turns and twists - of course putting his own life at risk.

Language: It seems that the writer has put considerable research on this difficult subject before jotting down the story on paper and in a flow of easy tangible, yet appropriate language using the old and new terminology suitably.

Merits: Due to painstaking research and perhaps patience, the writer has dealt a complex subject of the story containing and describing mythological characters and their grievances along with modern day stake holders comprising an Irish citizen Lugh, ACP Aryan, Rohit, Maninath and Vajra, Vats and Mukesh Anand and a few relevant more. The theory of reverse migration is unique and spreading of Ancient Indians like Devas, Manavas, Asuras, Mayan and Danavas to the far places like Ireland and North America is an encouraging and informative concept which is neither proved nor discarded ever.

Demerits : The book is edited to the perfection, is devoid of any irrelevant subplot and has been successful in maintaining the intrigue and thrill to the last. So I don't think it has any demerit as such.

What I liked : The narrative is supplemented with graphic details, and to some extent the writer has tried to explain the ancient mythology on simple scientific parameters making it a comprehensive read. The second thing I liked the effect of EVIL in the day-to-day life of people compelling them to commit crimes and chaos - almost warning everybody to reform.
Social Message: Though I myself am against of preaching morality or anything like that in my novels and stories and leave it to the reader to grasp what's wrong and what's right, Neelabh has underlined clearly that Evil breeds evil and Good breeds good without thrusting anything on the reader.

My Take : The Resurrection Of Evil is an insightful, informative and interesting read where the writer Neelabh Pratap Singh has become successful in presenting the story of a complex subject where one has to deal with mythology and modern day science in an unhindered manner with a fine balance without dragging. I would like to read his forthcoming works and wish him all the best!!

Ratings: 4.5/5

Rajeev Pundir

Monday, July 10, 2017

पुनःअवलोकन : तुम्हारी यादें - द्वारा श्रीमती रंजना प्रकाश

आजकल हिंदी साहित्य कम पढ़ने को मिलता है I हांलांकि हिंदी में किताबें बहुत हैं, परन्तु मैं अंग्रेज़ी में ज़्यादा लिखता हूँ इसलिए अंग्रेज़ी का साहित्य अधिक पढ़ता हूँ I इन्हीं दिनों फेसबुक पर रंजना जी से मित्रता हुई और मुझे उनके द्वारा रचित हिंदी कवितायें पढ़ने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ जिनसे मैं बहुत प्रभावित हुआ I फेसबुक पर उनका पृष्ठ निनाद है जिसे आप लोग भी पढ़कर आनन्द उठा सकते हैं I

अभी हाल ही में मुझे उनकी किताब 'तुम्हारी यादें' प्राप्त हुई जिसके लिए मैं उनका आभारी रहूंगा I

दोस्तों, पूरी किताब के आगोश में यादें ही यादें भरी पड़ी हैं. सभी कविताओं का एक ही विषय है - यादें I और मुझे आश्चर्य है कि लेखक ने एक ही विषय को इतने रंगों से भर दिया है कि पाठक को हर एक कविता नयी और निराली लगती है I पाठक कविताओं में इतना खो जाता है कि उसे पता ही नहीं चलता कि क़िताब कब ख़त्म हो गयी और खुद ही कह उठता है - अरे ख़त्म हो गयी ! काश अभी और भी पढने को मिलती I

दोस्तों ऐसी कवितायेँ तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब किसी ने किसी को बेपनाह टूट के प्यार किया हो, तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब कोई बहुत ही प्यारा बिछड़ गया हो और हर पल उसकी याद में गुज़रता हो, तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब किसी के बिना ज़िन्दगी अधूरी लगती हो, तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब दिल में कोई इस तरह समाया हो जैसे फूलों में खुशबू, तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब हर आती-जाती सांस पर किसी का नाम लिखा हो, तभी लिखी जाती हैं जब किसी ने किसी को पूर्ण रूप से समर्पण कर दिया हो...

"तेरा साया क़रीब लगता है, आहटें तेरी सुनती रहती हूँ,
तू मेरी जां में हो गया शामिल, रूह की तरह मुझमें रहता है I"

और भी-
"भीनी-भीनी तेरे बदन की खुशबू से, घर-आँगन मेरा महकता रहता है,
तेरे हाथों की नर्म हरारत से, तपती रहती है सुर्ख हथेली मेरी I
एक और-
"दिल में नश्तर है तेरी यादों का, कतरा-कतरा लहू टपकता है,
दर्द लेकिन सुकून देता है, बस यही इक गुनाह है मेरा -मैंने केवल तुम्हीं से प्यार किया I

जो आपके दिल में उतर जायेगी -
"भीनी खुशबू से महकती है रात की रानी, है तेरे क़दमों की आहट या पवन बासंती,
रफ़्ता-रफ़्ता ये दिल शाम से धड़कता है, और तेरी खुशबू में भीग जाती हैं मेरी साँसें I"

"रात आया था चाँद मेरी खिड़की पे, धुंध में लिपटी मुलाक़ात याद आती है,
आसमां खो गया था जब ज़मीं की बाँहों में, और ज़मी लाज से सिमट सी जाती है I

मित्रों, रंजना जी ने इन कविताओं में यथार्थ में अपना दिल खोल कर पाठक के सामने रख दिया है I उन्होंने अपनी भावनाएं व्यक्त करते समय सभी रंगों का, छंदों का, रसों का, विशेषणों का और अलंकारों का प्रयोग बखूबी किया है कि पाठक मंत्रमुग्ध हो जाता है I कवितायेँ पढ़कर आपको लगता है कि चाँद-सितारे, छाँव-धूप, आसमान-सूरज- क्षितिज, हवाएं, फूल, खुशबू, तितली,मयूर और पूरी प्रकृति आपके पहलू में समा गयी है  या फिर आप उसके आगोश में समा गए हैं I इसके साथ-साथ प्रेम, वियोग, विरह, दर्द, करूणा और आंसुओं में भी आपको ये कवितायेँ भिगो देती हैं I

हांलांकि मेरी उतनी औकात नहीं है कि मैं उनकी कविताओं पर कोई टिपण्णी कर सकूँ, फिर भी मैं कहना चाहूँगा कि एक परिपक्व लेखिका का अति उत्तम कार्य है ये क़िताब जो उन्होंने दिल से निकाल कर कागज़ के पन्नों पर उकेर कर जगमगाता करके आपके सामने प्रस्तुत कर दिया है I मैं उन्हें इसके लिए बधाई देता हूँ और आशा करता हूँ कि उनकी लेखनी के और भी रंगों का मुझे इंतज़ार रहेगा I

हिचकियाँ- बस अगले संस्करण में थोड़ी एडिटिंग की ज़रुरत है क्योंकि टाइप करते समय कुछ शब्दों की स्पेलिंग गड़बड़ हो गयी है जिससे पढ़ने का तारतम्य कभी-कभी टूट जाता है I

रेटिंग : 4.5/5

राजीव पुंडीर
10/जुलाई / 2017

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Review : Reveries; by Kapil Diwakar

Just finished short story collection entitled - Reveries written by Kapil Diwakar.
This is an ebook published by a new publication house Apni Publishing.
All stories are written to the perfection of describing the characters' thoughts and emotions felt during the short-time experience of life they had. Stories, right from A Letter To Ankur to the last one Who Watched My back are interesting enough compelling the reader to turn the pages.

The language is unique, impressive and fluidic. Vocabulary aptly used in the narration making it outstanding.
The cover is in sync with the theme and the title is appropriate.

The best is difficult to choose but I will remeber Whatsapp Dad and The End.
Hiccoughs: A few stories have space to be elaborated a bit more to make them complete.
My Take: Overall a short, succinct and crispy book.
This is a book the young writers should read for inspiration. Looking forward more from his pen, I wish Kapil all the best for his literary endeavor.

Ratings : 4/5