Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Interview with an ebullient eclectic writer Bhumika Khatri from Love; A Sweet Poison 2

1. Introduce yourself to the audience.
     Hello readers. I am Bhumika, a journalist at 21, and work for a news website in Delhi. My heart and  soul is in a small town of MP, but my career keeps moving, hopefully soon across the globe. I have  been writing across different platforms for a few years now, and this was my second venture of  getting published. I am an ambivert with knack for words. I say words because I listen to music which  speaks to me through the words, I read books over movie and I write over talking. I am gladly a weird  girl, fun girl, talk-to-in-emergency girl, and what not, because tags stopped bothering me long back. 

 2. Define yourself in one word.
3. At what stage of your life you started writing?
     I was more of a scribbler since the time I lost my first best friend and I was just 16 then. It was a  way to let out things I didn't realize I had in me, and even today what I write comes as a surprise to  even me. 
4. What motivates you to write?
   Emotions, Thoughts, Actions, People, actually anything and everything motivate me to jot down. In  complete honesty, my thoughts are in a whirlwind most of the times, and I write. Truly speaking,  anything that crosses me, finds a way in my words. 
5. What interests you most; fiction, nonfiction, travelogue, biography, horror, adult or young adult?   
    I enjoy fiction as well as travelogue the most. But in the past year with my career choice nonfiction is  my way of life, and therefore, biographies help me find perspectives to things.
6.To you, which is a better medium to express; prose, poetry, art, film, play or any other and why?
     Every medium of art is an amazing way to express, but to me prose is my haven.  There are so many  amazing works which have been reiterated in different ways, but to me the originality of words out  there on pages is the only way I feel everything in my bones.  

7. What would you like to be reborn as?
    When I was a kid, my answer would have always been as a boy, but since I'm old enough to  understand gender issues, I have never thought about this. 
 8. Which is more important to you; money or fame?     
     This is tough. I would be stupid to just deny the importance of money or even fame, because both  keep you moving to achieve higher, be better. And, I believe both complement each other fairly good,  but what’s fame in rags or what’s money in defamation? So, these can’t be supplements to me, but always complimentary.

9. How do you react when rejected by the publishers? 
   Honestly speaking, I don’t know about this because this is just my second try which was successful,  but I have written some bad stories or works and of course, I felt bad. But I have this sense of taking up  my accountability, so usually I go after the person to explain my errors and work on it. Be it criticism  or review, I need to understand the reason to improve it and that’s my way to deal with rejection.  
10. Your valuable suggestions to the prospective writers?

    Even though I am fairly new to this field, I can speak only on the basis of my experience. Open your  ears, eyes, mind and of course, your heart. Keep the doors for ideas open, and jot down your idea as  soon as possible. And always write in the flow. Write rubbish, but write at the moment. And always  and I emphasize ‘always’ edit, re-edit and re-re-edit your work. Plus, what my teacher has always advised, Read-Read-Read.


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